Monday, March 30, 2009

Our brain is great!

Go ahead and multiply the number 8,388,628 x 2 in your head.

Can you do it in a few seconds?
  • There is a young man who can double that number 24 times in the space of a few seconds. He gets it right every time.

  • There is a boy who can tell you the precise time of day at any moment, even in his sleep.

  • There is a girl who can correctly determine the exact dimensions of an object 20 feet away.

  • There is a child who at age 6 drew such lifelike and powerful pictures, she got her own show at a gallery on Madison Avenue.

  • Yet none of these children could be taught to tie their shoes. Indeed, none of them have an IQ greater than 50.
The brain is an amazing thing.

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